Ngày 6 tháng 8

Nếu như sau này mỉnh có thể xuất bản một cuốn sách ảnh, mình sẽ đặt tên cho nó là “Phía sau ánh mắt”.

Và trong đó là tất cả những gì tuyệt vời nhất mà mình muốn gửi gắm. Mình muốn làm được điều đó.

Hôm bữa đọc được blog của Chase Jarvis có một entry rất hay. Xin trích dẫn:

For the Love of Pho­tog­ra­phy — Chase Jarvis

Seems like the more I lis­ten, the more I hear peo­ple talk­ing about the gear, the busi­ness of pho­tog­ra­phy, the wid­gets. Let us not for­get the sim­ple love of photography.

I under­stand why there’s so much rhetoric in our indus­try about the busi­ness of pho­tog­ra­phy and the gear and the gad­gets. There is the com­mon stereo­type that most cre­ative peo­ple aren’t good busi­ness peo­ple. There is fear. Gear is eas­ier to talk about than vision. Expo­sures are exact, the cam­era dials have num­bers. There is a ‘right’ answer to many of these questions.

But where is your love of pic­tures? Where are your actions that back this up?

Can you pick up a book of pho­tographs and get lost in it?
Can you walk around with your iPhone or Android or your point and shoot or what­ever and take 100 pic­tures know­ing that they’ll never be for a client or a port­fo­lio?
Do you love hunt­ing for pic­tures?
Will you stay up late or get up early for pic­tures?
Do you some­times ‘see’ life as a photograph?

It’s dif­fer­ent for all of us, but when you can take a break from all the chat­ter, remind yourself–as often as you can–why you love photography.”

Phạm Bảo Khoa

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